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Lirik Lagu Ardhito - We Love To

Lirik Lagu Ardhito We Love To

Lirik Lagu Ardhito We Love To

Ardhito we love to - Kali ini akan mengulas lagu yang berjudul Ardhito we love to beserta arti dan makna, simak mengenai lagu ardhito we love to pada website ini ya.

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Makna dan Arti Lirik Lagu Ardhito we love to dan Terjemahan

Lirik Lagu Ardhito we love to Ardhito Pramono "Banana" 

Banana 4x
We love to eat, oh, banana

Banana 4x
We gotta eat more banana

We gotta love this yellow yummy flavor
We gotta love this fruit full of nutrition
So, it could be your brekkie, your supper, and lunch

Put it on a cereal, it's alright
Mixing it with flour, with the butter on top
We gotta eat more banana
Let's go

Banana 4x
We love to eat more banana

Banana 4x
You gotta eat more banana

Pack it in your bag, let's go vacation
People even wear it, call it fashion
Oh, I just love your specialty

Let's try to dip it
To serve of yogurt, oh
I just need more banana

Banana 4x
We've got to eat more banana

Banana 4x
I just need more banana
We got to eat more banana

Banana 4x

Admin sarankan kamu membaca : Susu Penguin Mahal Tebak Tebakan, Jawabannya

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